The project ready for immediate delivery in the Al-Amirah area of Ajman, next to Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Street, 15 minutes to Sharqa, 25 minutes to Dubai, The place is ready for delivery on the same day, all the services and features you need in your home are available, and most importantly, of all this
Air Conditioner is free (for life)
Parking is crazy (For life)
-His relative owns the earth
– without commission
-There is no registration fee
-Without the interests of the bank
-Without any administrative expenses
You have 100% free ownership for all nationalities worldwide, whether inside the UAE or outside the UAE, resident or non-resident, all facilities and all services are available
Receive the title contract the same day you pay the advance payment and you will receive your unit the same day.
Different spaces at very special prices
Missed the opportunity, contact me for all the details and observations
Whatsapp and phone 00971504654244